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Reduce food waste to 10%!


Our job is straight-forward: we need to do something about food waste! And having a fellowship that will address two of the UN Development Goals (2: Zero Hunger; 12: Responsible Consumption and Production) is not a bad start!

In order to get things moving, our mission statement is clear:

Reduce food waste and food loss to 10% of what it is today!

Our fundamental goal is of course to avoid all food waste and food loss, why would you waste/loose food!? But trying to be realistic, and still very ambitious we are going for the 10%.

The way we want to operate is by always partnering with local players, using the latest technology (apps and IoT spring to mind), and always efficiently and effectively.

We want to make money, a lot of money, in fact, but the way we are going to do it, is through the transfer of previously wasted food to feed the hungry and the under-nourished. The most effective way of doing this is most likely going to be via money, but all options are open!

OK, let's get started! You can join our newsletter here. We also have a FaceBook page which we will use to reach out and communicate with all of you, so please like us! We are also trying to have a Twitter presence, so look out for and follow #wastenotdk

First detailed study of food waste in Denmark

Our simple assumptions do not quite hold up
July, 2021

The idea was to create a baseline that future studies can be compared to. The methods used are new (and now in accordance with the requirements from the European Commission), which means that the numbers in the report can not be compared directly to previous numbers. This is of course a shame, but our hope is that with these new methods we are able to track things going forward, and hopefully detect decreases in the food we waste and loose. https://mst.dk/service/nyheder/nyhedsarkiv/2021/jul/nye-tal-for-madaffald-paa-tvaers-i-sektorer/

Please don’t forget to use the #wastenotdk tag, if you are on social media

FAO International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste

Maybe think about food waste and loss even more today than the other days of the year
29 September, 2021

Today is FAO's "International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste", so maybe, today, put even more focus on what food you buy, how you store it, how you prepare it, and how you eat it, so that there will be very little left at the end of this long process, difficult, I know, in the middle of our busy lives, but practice makes perfect :)!

The first step of the Wastenot.dk method is to *observe* the food you waste, thereby creating awareness and getting you started thinking about how to reduce it.

Video from FAO

#FLWDay #wastenotdk #nofoodloss #nofoodwaste #FAO

Please don’t forget to use the #wastenotdk tag, if you are on social media

Today is Stop Food Waste Day!

Why not try our method to reduce your food waste this week?
28th April, 2021

The first step of the #wastenotdk method is: Observe! and the idea is to do this during the first week, and do this by taking a photo of all food that is wasted.

The second step, in week 2 is: Propose and during this step you firstly observe the food you waste and then secondly, propose what you could have done to avoid the food being wasted.

Please don’t forget to use the #wastenotdk tag, if you are on social media

Working on the simpler version of the wastenot.dk methodology

To be used with schools as a first attempt March, 2021

The first step of the #wastenotdk method is: Observe! and the idea is to do this during the first week, and do this by taking a photo of all food that is wasted.

Please don’t forget to use the #wastenotdk tag, if you are on social media

Getting started

Introducing the wastenot.dk method! May, 2020

The first step of the #wastenotdk method is: Observe!

Observe the food you throw out. Since we are all starting out, all that is required is to observe (maybe take a photo) the food you throw out. I think it is hard to create Facebook ready photos of wasted food, so fine if you just keep them to your selves! If you post/tweet/etc, however, please do use the #wastenotdk tag


The easiest way to get in contact with us is to send us an email. We will then get back to you as soon as we can.


At this moment in time we are just one person, me (Lars Landberg), and I am grandly titled Founder and Executive Director :) You can reach me here